Nothing clever in the installation.
Simply used yum to install MariaDB (open source version of MySQL)
#yum install mariadb mariadb-server
Check the Biblio page of this book - I found some good articles about the whole process and I did some extra stuff then for security:
First start the database server:
#systemctl start mariadb
Then run a script to allow us to lock it down a bit better
Enter a password for root when prompted and hit Enter (to accept) at the rest of the prompts. This removes a load of default stuff that has security implications
Next change the root user name to something harder to guess
#mysql -u root -p
Enter the new root password you created running the script above
MariaDB [(none)]> use mysql;
MariaDB [mysql]> RENAME USER 'root'@'localhost' TO 'sqladmin'@localhost';
MariaDB [mysql]> flush privileges;
MariaDB [mysql]> quit
This has changed the 'name' of the admin user for MariaDB to sqladmin (you should probably make up a different name). The password remains whatever was set when the security script was run.
Set the database server to start at boot:
#systemctl enable mariadb
MySQL/MariaDB is now installed & running